RustDoug work featured in upcoming Del Ray Artisans show

Groundskeeper, one of my two works in the show

Groundskeeper, one of my two works in the show

Woo-hoo! I’m really excited to announce that two of my sculptures were chosen for the upcoming Konda vs. Chaos Exhibit at Del Ray Artisans in Alexandria. I’ve never been in one of their shows so I’m really looking forward to seeing how my work fits in (or doesn’t). If you’re planning on attending, probably a good idea to make sure your tetanus shot is up to date. ; )

Kondo vs. Chaos Art Exhibit
February 7 – March 1, 2020
Opening Reception: Friday, February 7 from 7-9pm

Del Ray Artisans Gallery
2704 Mount Vernon Avenue
Alexandria VA 22301


More work featured at Del Ray Artisans show